
Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer Reading List

I love to read. I mean, I really, really love to read. And I am one of those people who will pick up a book and not put it down until it is finished. Prime example: this past Christmas my mother loaned me her copy of Atlas Shrugged . I had just had a baby in October, and much of my time was spent sitting and nursing (and very little leaving the house), so I decided I would read the book over our Christmas break. I read it in 4 days. The book has 1200 pages. For four days I sat in my kitchen and read. I read while I nursed, I read while the kids fixed their own lunches, I read all day. I could not put it down. Thankfully, there are not many 1200 page books out there that I care to read, or my poor family would be in trouble. That book reminded me though of just how little I get to read these days. And what I do read is almost always school related. That is a good thing, but I decided I need to get back to reading a broader range of books. So here is my summer reading list. Many of these I am rereading, because they help me to re-center and begin a new school and church year with a fresh reminder of why I am doing the things I do.

For School:
The Latin Centered Curriculum 2nd edition - Andrew Campbell - finally arrived, and I have already read most of it :)

Laying Down the Rails: A Charlotte Mason Habit Handbook

Keeping a Nature Journal - Leslie & Roth (need to get motivated and inspired!)

Climbing Parnassus - Tracy Lee Simmons (need to reread)

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain - Betty Edwards

For Me:
Seven Habits of Highly Successful People (started this one a while back but I need to go back through it again)

Quotidian Mysteries (I like to reread this 2-3 times a year)

A Mother's Rule of Life - (need to reread this and revamp my "rule")

Letters to a Beginner - Abbess Thaisia

The Mission of Motherhood - Sally Clarkson

Raising Them Right - St. Theophan the Recluse

Making God Real in the Orthodox Christian Home - Anthony Coniaris

Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells - Matthew Gallatin - (love his podcasts on Ancient Faith radio!)

For Fun:
A Tale of Two Cities

Secret Garden (going to read this one aloud to the kids this summer)

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