
Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

While I am not a big fan of the new year's resolutions concept - there is something to be said for starting a new year with fresh goals. So, here are just a few of my goals, along with the steps I am taking to actually achieve them. I think that is why I hate resolutions - usually it is just a list of things we should do - which is pointless unless you have a plan to make it happen!

1. Get in shape - I definitely am finding it harder to lose those last few "baby pounds" after this last baby. My goal is to lose 5 pounds by March, and more importantly drop several inches off the waistline. To achieve this goal - I canceled my C*rves membership (which I have not used in 5 months) and found a gym that provides childcare and a little more flexibility in hours. I think that if I plan to go early a few times a week, it might work well, since the early morning hours are not productive school time with the baby up. Then, we can be back home for the morning nap and not have to head out in the afternoon when the 4 year old needs her nap.

2. Daily personal prayer time - I have been pitifully inconsistent in doing my own personal prayers. My husband has really encouraged me recently to establish a consistent morning wake time, and stick to it no matter what. I am slowly working myself back to getting up at 6:30 (going to need another few weeks to manage it, I am doing it in increments of time :). As I become better at getting up, I am going to be reclaiming that early time before the kids are up (I know, how lucky can you get - my kids would all sleep til 8 every morning if I let them) and using it for prayer.

3. Organize my sewing room - my poor patient husband shares his home office with my sewing desk. Which means, when he needs to do paperwork or be on the computer, he is usually surrounded by piles of fabric, pattern pieces and the occasional pin that he steps on. My motivation for this one also comes from having to empty the office this week to have the carpets replaced (we had an unfortunate septic back up issue the week before Christmas which resulted in most of the floors and some wall board having to be ripped up downstairs). Since I have to clear the room this week anyway, I am planning to sort everything as I remove it, get rid of the excess junk, and only return to the room the things that have a home!

4. Read a book a week (average!) - I was about to make a list of books to read this year when I ran across this challenge. I used to read 2-3 books a week, but seems these days if it isn't school related or reading aloud to the kids I don't read it! So, I am stepping up to the challenge. I will be posting about the books I read (though I won't bore you with ALL of them!), and I am starting with A Mother's Rule of Life (yes, re-reads count, I checked the rules :). To accomplish this goal - two changes will be happening. First, TV off! I normally do that during Lent, so this year I am just going to get a head start (it's easier to do for Lent if you haven't already seen the first 4 episodes of some new show you get hooked on anyway!). Second, I am setting aside a 30 minute time slot each day to read no matter what. No, I have not decided when it will be yet, but I am working on it (part of why I need to re-read Mother's Rule of Life).

So there is my start. I would encourage each of you to think about the changes you want to make, then make a plan for how to accomplish those changes.


  1. Oh!! I agree; I don't do resolutions. I need to work on #2 also. I was doing so good for a little while. Started a prayer journal for our last ladies' class and love it. I am truly hoping that once we get back home I can get back in a routine. I'm not a morning person though. I have a difficult enough time just getting up in the morning. As for #1 - I haven't been doing that either. I miss having someone to go workout with. Got the 'home gym' and don't use it. I can't even fathom #3- I read the marley book on a 3 day weekend at hte beach. I can't even remember a book I'd read before that time that wasn't for a Bible class or something. More power to you on that one. How about this, I'll pray for your #3 while I'm trying to work on my #1!!
    Great to hear from you.

  2. Great thoughts. And though you are totally right about resolutions, you are also right about new beginnings. We all need a fresh start now and then, and the new year is as good a time as any. All of your goals echo things in my own heart. Especially the prayer time and getting up at a decent hour. I look forward to reading about all your books, too. Thanks for the encouragement!
