Monday, September 28, 2009
Memory Eternal

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Getting the Most Bang for your Buck
Uncle Josh's Outline Maps - what else do you need for geography? (besides some fabulous living books of course!)
Educational Fontware - I wanted this years ago, but never bought it. I finally purchased it this year, and I will never buy another handwriting or copywork book!
Story of the World CD's- this is something my kids return to year after year, they love listening to them in the car, while playing, at lunch, anytime :)
Living Memory - a wonderful resource for memory work in all subjects - recitation at your fingertips
Practical Arithmetics - can't beat the price for no nonsense math books, similar to Ray's, only covers a few topics Ray's does not
Monday, September 21, 2009
Today's Math Lesson
Thursday, September 17, 2009
N is for Nicholas
Monday - introduce letter with flashcard, read story of the saint, take narration and color icon
Tuesday - practice making the sound and thinking of things that start with that sound, read Bakers Dozen and make cookies, explore letter bag, begin blending the three sounds we have learned
Thursday - color flower fairy alphabet, practice sounding out words from reader page
Friday - Copywork pages - "N" and first words page
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Peter Rabbit learns Math
(and I must say I rather prefer our set to these , given my great love for Sax*n).
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sound Advice

Practical Math

The crocodile hunter is also working through this book. I decided not to jump into book two with him because I felt like he does not have his facts down well enough, and there are plenty of concepts in book one that he has not learned. I started him in the middle of the book, and we follow the same procedure - we work together for a few minutes, then he does any exercises as needed. It is a relief to have something so simple and so thorough. This book, combined with the 9's Down math drills have become our daily math routine for the older ones. A no nonsense approach without too much repetition - just what this home school needed!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fairy Celebration
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Birthday
Monday, September 7, 2009
Simplifying your Household: Laundry
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Going on an Expedition
Here is a look at much of what our box contains. The crocodile hunter graciously loaned us a selection of animals from his zoo, and I pulled books from our shelves (plus a few new purchases :). I found African textile design paper at a school supply store, with directions for creating paper doll clothes. I also included an Ancient Egypt T*ob, and picked up a hand carved gourd from Kenya at TJM*xx. Not in this picture, but included in our studies will be the lives of several saints of Africa - St. Moses the Ethiopian, St. Tekla, St. Anthony the Great, St. Mary of Egypt . We will also spend some time exploring St. Catherine's Monastery in Egypt. We will have a heavy emphasis on Egypt because we are studying Ancient history, but plan to explore other parts of Africa too. I also do not store our maps and general geopgraphy books in the trunk - but the crocodile hunter is learning to identify all of the countries of Africa right now. To see what others put in their boxes, check out these sites:
Close Academy's North America Box
Serendipity's Continents and Cultures
LaPaz - entire collection of continents boxes
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Baby Steps
1: Make Beds Right Away
2: Do One Complete Load of Laundry
3: Empty All Garbage Cans
4: Keep Your Kitchen Sink Empty
5: Clean Up After Yourself and Help Children Do the Same
6: Bathroom Wipe-Down
7: Before Bed 10-Minute Clean Up
We have not established all of these (obviously if we could do number 5 every day there would not be much cleaning up to do!), but many of them are becoming habits, both for me and the kids. I even have my son wiping down his toilet each day! Now, when I look at the house and think about cleaning it for company, it is far less overwhelming.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Book of Numbers
Our topics will include:
Book of Numbers - to introduce the numbers 1-12
All About Zero - learning about the concept of zero
The Four Processes - using simple stories that feature her favorite characters from Peter Rabbit, we will learn about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
The Book of Numbers may seem silly to some, especially if your child has been counting things for years, but often a child can count or identify numerals, without any real understanding of what "one" or "three" really means. A book of numbers allows you to spend a few weeks looking at each number and helping your child grasp these more difficult concepts and gain a deeper understanding of numbers. You may use anything you like to create your book of numbers, loose paper that can be bound together when completed or slid into page protectors, or you could use a Waldorf style main lesson book. We are using these scrapbooks, because I have a large supply of them (they make wonderful nature journals). They are half off at Hobby Lobby this week, so they are cheap ($5 each), the paper is nice and heavy, and they have plenty of pages (36), so we can only use one side of the paper to prevent smearing.
Our reading for this day is Designed by God, So I Must be Special, which uses childlike stick drawn illustrations and cute rhymes to talk about all the things God created, focusing on the 5 senses He gave us and how we can experience His creation through them (dovetails nicely with our creation studies :)
A great thank you to both Katherine and Serendipity for many of the ideas from this post!