
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pillowcase Dress Give Away

[dress featured above is available in my etsy shop, others will be added over the next few weeks]

This week I am giving away a pretty little pillowcase dress.  The winner will have a choice from three cases, and length will be custom cut to fit your child 12 months to 10 years.  To enter to win, just post a comment below indicating which case is your favorite.  Want to increase your odds?  Get your name entered a second time when you post about the give away on your blog, with a link to this post (be sure you let me know in your comment that you linked to here).  The winner will be announced May 15.  So, which little dress is perfect for your summer girl?

Pretty in Pink 
Vintage Rose

Daisy Hearts


  1. These are so gorgeous! Unfortunately, Teddy already gets mistaken for a girl, so I'd use this for my niece Maya who will turn five on Monday. (She loves pink.)

  2. Oh they are all cute!
    Only my son likes pink thought so it would have to be one of the others :)

  3. Our Agnes would look mighty sweet in one of these for her upcoming 5th birthday! These dresses are absolutely adorable -- thanks for the offer! I like the yellow daisy heart one best -- but all 3 are so pretty! God bless!

  4. I think my little Anna would love the vintage rose best.

  5. Definitely the daisy hearts - so unique and full of energy.

  6. They are so beautiful, Anna!! Sugar Plum would love the Pretty in Pink one:)

  7. These are so lovely. It's so hard to chose, but I think that Pretty in Pink is our favorite.

  8. What beautiful dresses! I absolutely love the vintage rose!

  9. Chirst Has Risen. The dresses are very pretty, although the pretty in pink is my favorite. My eldest daughter Dorothy (3) would look lovely in Pink. Thank you for all the inspiration you give to mothers.

  10. Vintage Rose would be perfect for my little girl. She loves pink and only wears dresses.

  11. just beautiful! thank you so for this opportunity!

  12. Oh I think these are just adorable! Thank you for the chance to win. :) I think I like the pink and vintage rose the best.

  13. So pretty! I like the daisy hearts best.

  14. Absolutely love them all but I would have to choose the vintage rose for my little Sugarcake. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  15. I blogged about your giveaway on my blog.

    Here is the link:

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  16. I love the vintage rose.

    I've been wanting to make one of these for a long time, but there is one problem: I can't sew. So I would really love to win this for my little princess. I know she would just go crazy over a dress like this.

