Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Little Princess

  I first saw the Regency dress pattern over at Pleasant View Schoolhouse, and purchased it a while ago.  Unfortunately, it sat untouched until this week. In an attempt to use up fabrics that have been sitting for too long, I grabbed this quilting duo of cotton florals.  While I am not crazy about the top fabric, I didn't have enough of the other to complete the dress in one fabric, and the little princess loves it, so who am I to argue!  While the dress seemed intimidating, it actually was very straightforward and the pattern is very clear.  Maybe one day I will get around to making the adult version


Anonymous said...

Wait, the pattern waited until this week? Like in you made that dress in the last two days? The only sewing skill I have mastered is sewing on a lost button. ;-)

The dress and your daughter are very beautiful!

Pres. Kathy said...

Your daughter looks beautiful! You are super talented!

Matushka Anna said...

I haven't mustered the courage yet, but I really want to order one of those patterns! I really enjoy looking at Sense and Sensibility Patterns. And daydreaming. (c;

You did a lovely job.

elizabeth said...

That looks so great!!! Very lovely. Let us know if you ever do the adult version!

Anna said...

Cassie, I made it last week, I wrote the post over the weekend, so I guess it came out sounding funny :) But it was pretty quick to make, I did most of it in one day - in the photo it still needs to be hemmed, but I did that last night. Now I am working on a bonnet - but it's a busy weekend, so not sure when that will come together.

Anna - I loved the pattern! I ordered another one on monday because they had a cyber monday sale. I was so suprised with how easy this was to put together, compared to some other not so well done patterns I have tried. I really would love to do one for me for Pascha one year, though I never sew well for myself!