Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pretty in Pink

It's been a while since I helped coordinate a baby shower.  This one was decidedly pink.

Champange with a dash of pomegranate juice, and sweet pink fizzy drinks for those with child!
Dainty little cupcakes topped with my favorite, raspberry buttercream.

merengues and pretty pink candies were happily consumed by the littlest guests,

 chicken salad on croissants, green salad topped with raspberry vinagrette, creamy pink frozen fruit salad, and asparagus wrapped in proscuitto and phyllo dough,
topped off with a handful of rosy-cheeked little girls excited over the impending arrival of another cousin. 
Hard to believe these little pretties were once babies, too.


elizabeth said...

ooooh, I LOVE pink! and that looks so adorable and great... and the menu, yumm, I could eat it right now...

Jennifer@DoingTheNextThing said...

oh my! you have outdone yourself now. you had me at raspberry buttercream. ;)

Anonymous said...

It was a joyous afternoon- thank you for opening your home and sharing your love and talents with us!

Erin said...

Oh, those dimples! I just love her smile. I'm so happy I finally got a dimply baby, too. It was worth the wait.

Where did you get those candy jars? I think I've decided that I need some.

Maybe we can try to connect again this week. Sorry I never got back to you this past week.

flowersforTeacher said...

Anna, In the final picture- the one with the beauties, is that a bouquet of onesies, receiving blankets? Can you tell me more on that? I love it.

Anna said...

Erin - never knew how much I could love dimples until this one came along :) the candy jars came from H*bby Lobby and Mich*els. Will try to give you a call soon, last week was crazy around here as well!

flowersfortheteacher - don't you love that - a friend of my sister in law made that, it is her take on a diaper cake - a diaper topiary! the rolled items are diapers, and the vase is filled with little pink baby socks.