71. enough to eat
72. child wrapped tokens of love, gifts from the heart
73. birthday wishes from family and friends
74. avocado sandwiches
75. first Presanctified Liturgy, food and fellowship with others
76. long awaited package (as in, over a year on a waiting list, but well worth the wait) from Canada arriving during Clean Week
77. pussy willows
78. bare feet in sandals after months of boots
79. hands in the dirt, ripping out weeds to reveal small shoots of life returning from last year, when the choking weeds are gone, new life springs forth in abundance
80. washing dishes to Celtic Woman, nothing like a rousing rendition of Spanish Lady to put a spring in the step!
81. glass of wine on the weekend, relaxation of the fast to spur the spirit onward
a gift of the church I was so quick to reject in the beginning, and now cannot imagine turning away from the wisdom of the Church in this great gift
83. prayer in community, albeit from a distance (there is still time to join, so jump in!)
84. my priest, who serves each day in humility, and bears the weight of my soul

85. cleansing, healing, lightening confession - blessed sacrament of the church
I have seen wooden birthday rings before on sites that sell European toys, and have thought about getting one and adapting it for Lent. I had no idea that a lenten one existed. Thanks for sharing that!
So beautiful! Your expression of love for this holy season of lent brings me such peace and joy.
I have been trying to follow the clean eating, I was good until the weekend,so I looked forward to this Monday. The discipline is different from my Catholic roots, but I fine that it helps me focus more on the things of God.
Thank you for sharing; I look forward to your next post.
Anna, I’m not Orthodox, but have had long talks with a great orthodox priest and a bishop – and I have so much respect for the unbroken line of faith it represents. Even though I’m a Protestant – I heart the Orthodox Catholic Church :)
My favorite from your list? Although it’s not actually a number – I’m coveting your Lent thing – the candle thing :) that’s my favorite.
This was so good. Thank you. God Bless.
Happy Belated Birthday! May God grant you many, many more. We just pruned our pussy willow tree too. It was unusually early this year, and caught us by surprise. And though I've never mentioned it, I enjoy reading your thankful Monday posts--it brings much joy. Thanks for sharing.
Craig - that would be #76 - the long awaited package! I was raised a Protestant myself, became Orthodox as a teenager.
Leah - thanks :) and it is nice to hear these posts are enjoyed, sometimes I wonder if they are too self-involved, glad to know you find them a pleasure!
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