
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Revisiting the Pascha Learning Boxes

I originally posted these last year, but have made a few additions to the boxes, as well as taken some better photos!  So, here is another look at my learning boxes for Holy Week.  I will mention again, that this is an involved project.  When I first had the idea several years ago, it was Lazarus Saturday and I jumped into action planning how I would create them.  My wise husband cautioned against it, saying that rather than a blessing, it would be a consuming project for Holy Week, distracting me from what I should be doing.  So, I followed his advice, and waited until after Pascha to begin making them.  I say this again to caution you - if this is an idea you want to replicate, do it slowly.  Do not attempt to pull it together quickly, you will find yourself frustrated and it will not be a joyful project.  The wonderful thing about the church rythms is that we can look to next year.
Finally, a word about the use of the boxes.  In my home, we have used them in several ways.  The first is actually taking them to church on each day of Holy Week.  If you have a young child, the items in the box offer a focus.  I usually tell my littlest ones to listen through the service, especially at the readings, and see if they can hear mention of each item in the box.  The joy on the face of my 4 year old when she heard the parable of the grape vine as she sat holding those plastic grapes was priceless. Some pieces are more interactive.  One year I watched as several children in our church sat and carefully lined the palm branches and fabric in the shape of the cross.  The icon was placed at the top, and the donkey was walked along the path, over and over again.  For a young child, that is prayer.  That is meditating on the scripture.  That is learning.  The boxes may also be used at home.  You may wish to read the scripture ahead and present the items.  If you are concerned with small pieces being all over the place, take a small placemat to church and roll it out on the floor.  Explain that this is the space to work with the box, and the items are to stay on the mat until they are returned to the box.  Then watch, and be prepared to have visitors in your aisle as curious children around you are drawn to see what is going on!

Box 1
This box is for Palm Sunday, but could be used on Lazarus Saturday as well. It contains a strip of linen fabric to represent the raising of Lazarus, a donkey (from the crocodile hunter's stash), palm branches (a piece of artificial greenery I found at H*bby L*bby, just pull off the individual fronds off), palm crosses from past Palm Sundays, and icons of Mary and Martha, the Raising of Lazarus, and the Entrance into Jerusalem.  The prayer card is a small wooden plaque from the craft store painted purple.  I printed the script off my computer and attached it with mod p*dge.  A second coat of mod p*dge and some pearl 3-d paint finished it off.  
Box 2
This box is for Sunday evening Bridegroom Matins and Monday morning services. The focus of these services is humility, with Joseph as the Old Testament type of Christ, suffering in humility before saving his people. The grapes (from a craft store) and figs are references to the parables told during these services.  I purchased the figs online, but they are no longer available from that vendor.  Let me know if anyone finds another source for them, but you could model them from sc*lpey clay.
Box 3
This box pertains to Bridegroom Matins on Monday evening and Tuesday mornings gospel readings. The theme of readiness for the final judgement runs through these readings and the parables of the 10 talents and the 10 virgins are told. The sheep and goats (from the crocodile hunter's stash) are a reference to the scripture in which the people will be divided at judgement. The coin recalls the story of the Pharisees' attempt to trick Christ - render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. The lamps and oil are from this site, but are rather expensive.  They are made from sc*lpey clay and would be easy to replicate with a bit of time.  Icons include the Prophet Moses and the icon of the Last Judgement.
Box 4
This box covers Tuesday evening through Wednesday evening, with an emphasis on healing. The scriptures read during these days recalls the parable of the good Samaritan, and references to Christ healing the sick. The pitcher, basin (doll house items) and vial of oil remind us of the harlot washing Christ's feet, and also His rebuke to the disciples that He came to save those who are sinful. The bag contains 30 pieces of silver, as Wednesday is also the day Judas is paid for his betrayal of Christ. Finally, the oil also calls to mind the Service of Holy Unction which is commonly held on Wednesday of Holy Week.  Please note, the coins are not a good item to take to church!  They make far too much noise, so I only use them at home, and for church place 3 coins in the bag to represent the 30 pieces.

Box 5
This box is for the Mystical Supper, and contains a chalice, bread, an icon of the last supper and figures of Christ and disciples

Box 6
This box covers the services of Thursday and Friday, from the Passion Gospel service to Royal Hours on Friday. It contains a small plastic sword which Peter drew to defend Christ in the garden, a rooster as a reminder of Peter's betrayal hours later, a crown of thorns (miniature wreath from H*bby L*bby), a vial of vinegar as offered to Christ on the cross, a strip of leather to remind of the beating he received, a die as they cast lots for his clothing, and a small wooden skewer to represent the spear that pierced His side

Box 7
The final box is for Saturday, and contains a strip of linen to represent Christ's burial, vials of frankincense and myrrh which the women took to the tomb to prepare his body, a stone, icons of the resurrection and the risen Christ figure.  The prayer card was made in the same way as described above.  Another nice item to include in this box would be flower petals gathered from the Lamentations service the evening before.

A great addition to the boxes are the Great Lent and Holy Week Coloring books from Potamitis Publishing, and for older children, the Holy Week and Pascha book is wonderful.

Some of the items in the boxes are not appropriate for younger children, and I am sure there are many other items that could be included, and ways to personalize this project.  Use your own judgement to determine what is safe and best for your children.


  1. This made my day. With a due date for our second in just a week, I'm not sure whether I'll be able to be in church for Holy Week. I might be able to start putting boxes together, perhaps just getting the boxes themselves with icons on them. Even if not this year, I very much appreciate your beautiful and careful descriptions of what goes into each box.

  2. I've loved those boxes, thanks for taking the time to make a list and link the Holy Week and Pascha book.

  3. I love these boxes! I'm going to send this post to the moms in our parish! Thanks. :)

  4. Thank you so very much for once again being so generous with your talents and knowledge. Will have my kids work on these as a long term project (taking your advice) for our church or another family.

    Alicia in New Zealand

  5. These are great! I think for the less ambitious among us, adding just one or two things to a progressive box over the week might be doable! I found a tiny lamp here:

  6. I Love This! Such a brilliant idea to keep the children focused and involved. I am so glad it's now Holy Week every service is so beautiful.

  7. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing the idea and the sources. I also appreciate your caution to make them over time. I'm guilty of rushing ahead at the last minute and it sure does take away from the joy of preparing the materials. Thank you!

  8. Hi Anna, I found this post via Pinterest and am loving perusing your blog! My husband is in his first year MDIV at St. Vladimir's in New York, where we moved with our two little ones in August. I didn't see your email address in your blogger profile, but I would love to contact you to ask some questions about homeschooling and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. I grew up in the Orthodox Church and being homeschooled, and while I'm loving the adventure of starting homeschooling in my own family, it raises lots of questions! You could reach me at Mary.EBH at when you are available to chat. :) Wishing you a blessed Holy Week and a glorious Pascha!!
