
Friday, September 1, 2017

First Day of Class for our Schole' Community

  First Day of Theoria Fellowship Schole' Community 2017-2018!

the chore chart hangs in the foyer 
Morning Meeting:
The moms gather to look over the schedule and make sure we are all on the same page for the day.  We take a few minutes to pray a portion of the Akathist to the Mother of God Nurturer of Children, and then contemplate a question from the final chapters of Norms and Nobility.   We have a game set out for the kids during this time.  This is also the time for them to choose their community chore for the day and help with set up of the prayer table and the peace table.

Morning Prayers:
We all gather to pray together.  We use an abbreviated version of the Third Hour prayers with a prayer before study added, and we sing the Troparion of the Transfiguration of Christ as we have adopted that as our community feast day.

We use The Homegrown Preschooler for our littlest ones throughout the day.

Spanish Drill:
Using TPR techniques and Speaking Spanish with Miss Mason, the children develop a working knowledge of the Spanish language

Humane Letters:
Our students break into groups according to age and spend time reading together and discussing the good and the great books using the CIRCE Reading Guide.

Students are led through the acquisition of vocabulary, grammar and Latin chants with Matin Latin.

Wonders of Math:
wonders of math
This is one class I am sorry I can't attend myself!  Inspired by Constructing the Universe, our quadrivium mentor leads the students through some fascinating explorations of numbers and geometry, beginning with Compass Drawing.

The kids come back together as a whole group to enjoy practice in elocution through scripture, poetry and Shakespeare memory work.  They are learning liturgical hymns (this year they are tackling the Paschal canon in English, Greek and Arabic!) as well as classical hymns. They also have picture study and composer study during this class.

We have a sign up, and each week one family makes a hot dish for the group and another family brings sides.  We take a nice long lunch, outside when possible, and when the kids finish eating they help clean up then have some free play time while the toddlers are put down for their naps.

Natural Philosophy:
This is a class I am really excited about teaching this year.  We are using Sabbath Mood Homeschool Form 3 Biology Study Guide with our oldest students, and science journals from Riverbend Press.

Good Neighbor:
letters to shut ins
Our Forms 1-2 students spend time doing copywork and handwriting with a purpose by writing notes and creating drawings for the shut-ins of our church.

Nature Study:
Time to explore the outdoors!  They have 10 acres to enjoy, and over the years we have studied edible plants, creek critters, the trees and plants of the area while honing our skills of attention.  They learn how to make nature journal entries and develop brush drawing skills.  Some of the resources used for this include Sharing Nature 
brush drawing practice

with Children, The Curious Nature Guide,  How to Raise a Wild Child, and The Handbook of Nature Study.

Clean up and closing prayers:
The kids pack up, help put the house back in order, and we gather to pray Ninth Hour Prayers before departing.  At times we try to have a few minutes to share what we are thankful for about our day together.

It must have been a great first day, since as their last classes were wrapping up least three of them asked what class was next, and couldn't believe the day was already over!